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Minimum System Voltage V


Maximum System Voltage V


Nominal System Voltage V


Load Profile
Known Loads
Load Tag Load Unit Begin(min) End(min)






Add Load
Random Loads
Load Tag Load Unit Duration(min)





Add Load
Maximum Charge Voltage/Cell V


For single level charging max chargin voltage is typically 1.43-1.5V/cell. For two level charging typically 1.47 to 1.7V/cell
Maximum Temperature °C


Minimum Temperature °C


Nominal Temperature °C


Maximum, minimum and nominal temperatures pertain to site ambient/installation conditions.
Design Margin


Aging Factor


Cell Range


Cells in Series based on


No of Cells in series




[[ err ]]


Possible No of cells in series [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Ncell_min', '_val']) ]] (min) to [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Ncell_max', '_val']) ]] (max) per string
No of cells in series selected [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Ncell', '_val']) ]]
Maximum System Voltage [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Vmax_attained', '_val']) ]] V
Minimum System Voltage [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Vmin_attained', '_val']) ]] V
End of Discharge Voltage [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Veod', '_val']) ]] V
Cell Strings/Arrays in parallel [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'strings', '_val']) ]]
Cell Sizing Data
Cell Section Size (for Known Loads) [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Fs_max', '_val']) ]] AH
Cell Section Size (for Random Loads) [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Fs_random', '_val']) ]] AH
Cell Section Size (Uncorrected) [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Fs_uncorrected', '_val']) ]] AH
Cell Section Size (Corrected for Design Margin and Aging Factor) [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'Fs_corrected', '_val']) ]] AH
Cell Selected [[ retSilent(doc, ['result', 'cell_selected', '_val']) ]] AH